About Me

Hi there, my name is Boryan. I am a fifteen year old sophomore from Asheville, North Carolina. One of my main passions in life, so far, has been spoon making. I first heard about this intriguing craft at a primitive skills festival where a man was teaching a spoon carving class. Sadly I was a little to young to attend, being merely eight years old, but the idea stuck with me.

Barely two weeks later I decided to jump the gun and get started on my own, which led to my first “spoon”. This ungodly hunk of wood with a hole in it very surprisingly resembled a tonsil remover and could not be used to consume anything less viscous than four day old oatmeal. Unfazed by this experience, I forged on. Spoons of all proportions and varied functionality began popping up around the house, to the dismay of most inhabitants. Being so young though this carving frenzy wore itself out very quickly, giving way to Minecraft.

Then about two years ago I was scrounging around the house looking for some duct tape when suddenly wam… I got a splinter. After investigating further I uncovered a remnant of my spoon making days. It was a spoon, of course, but its quality gives me nightmares to this day. It was far worse than the aforementioned tonsil remover. This experience shocked me so much I made myself a solemn oath right then and there.  I swore that from that moment forth I would stop at nothing to make a smooth and functional spoon that would not give me splinters.

That brings me to the purpose of this blog, which is (drum roll)…

Helping you!                                                                                                                                                                                                In several different ways, but mainly just to prevent death through splinter infection.

In all seriousness though this blog is here for all beginners in spoon carving so that you guys can learn from my mistakes. Follow along for one hell of a ride.